女神再誕の儀・黒鷲の学級 The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth (Black Eagles)
(大聖堂 昼)
Cathedral | Daytime
ヒューベルト: まもなく女神再誕の儀が始まりますな。我々も推測に従って動きますか。
Hubert: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin. Are we going to move forward with our plan?
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうね。師、自信の程はいかが?
Edelgard: I believe so. How confident are you in our theory, Professor?
Choice 1: 完璧だ We're not wrong.
リンハルト: 先生、完璧な推測なんてあり得ませんよ。恥ずかしいこと言わないでください……。
Linhardt: No one's intuition is perfect. It's ridiculous not to have doubts.
Choice 2: 半々だ It could go either way.
ベルナデッタ: 半々なんですか? あたし、五分五分だと思ったことが成功した試しないんですけど!
Bernadetta: Oh, I don't like those odds at all...
Choice 3: 絶無だ I'm a little doubtful...
ペトラ: 絶無……です? 絶対と同じ、ですね?自信、絶対、頼もしいです。
Petra: You have little doubts? That is good. We have no room for big doubts on this day.
ヒューベルト: フ……先生に自信があろうがなかろうが、敵は予定どおりに動くだけでしょうよ。
Hubert: All that matters is how our enemy makes their move, not how our teacher feels about our plan.
ヒューベルト: まもなく女神再誕の儀が始まりますが、敵の狙いは絞り切れませんでしたな。
Hubert: The Rite of Rebirth is about to begin, but we still don't know what our enemy is after.
エーデルガルト: 仕方ない……。臨機応変に対応するしかないわね。
Edelgard: We have no choice but to deal with the situation as it unfolds.
フェルディナント: ふふっ、貴方らしからぬ言葉だな。ここは私が一肌脱いで……
Ferdinand: That does not sound like you at all. I suppose you'll be needing my help on this one.
カスパル: 誰がどっから来ようと、オレがぶっ飛ばす!レア様をやらせるかってんだ!
Caspar: It doesn't matter where they go, they won't get past me. I'll never let them near Lady Rhea!
エーデルガルト: あのね、カスパル。私たちは大司教殿以外の狙いを……
Edelgard: Ugh, Caspar, focus. Our mission is to find out what their true aim is.
セテス: 君たち、緊張感が足りないようだが?まもなく女神再誕の儀が行われるのだぞ。
Seteth: You seem a mite too relaxed for my liking. The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin.
While we are in the Goddess Tower, we are relying on you to secure the locations that are lacking in defense.
フレン: 先生、聞いてくださいます?お兄様ったら、酷いのです。
心配だからお前は棺の中にでも隠れていたらどうか、なんて仰いますのよ? ふふふ。
Flayn: May I let you in on something, Professor? My brother can be a bit...callous.
He told me that he was concerned about you, and hinted that perhaps you would be better off patrolling a coffin!
セテス: そ、それは冗談だと言っただろう、フレン。お前は私の後ろにずっといなさい。
Seteth: That was said in jest, Flayn. And in confidence. Please just remain by my side and do not cause any more trouble.
As a professor, you would do well to remember that it is your duty to guide your students down the path of righteousness.
フレン: 皆さん、失礼いたします。儀式の後でまたお会いしましょうね。
Flayn: Please excuse us, everyone. We shall see you again after the ceremony has concluded!
ヒューベルト: 棺の中、とは、面白いことを言いますな。実に面白い……くくく。
Hubert: A coffin. How fascinating.
エーデルガルト: 師、早く身を隠して、聖廟へ下りる階段を見張りましょう?
Edelgard: Hurry, Professor. We must find a place to hide where we can guard the stairs to the Holy Mausoleum.
If the enemy moves as predicted, we should be able to cut off their escape path and capture every last one of them.
エーデルガルト: 棺の、中……? 師、そういえば一カ所、気になっている場所があるの。
Edelgard: A coffin... Professor, I do know of one location that has potential.
If you can't think of another option, follow me to the Holy Mausoleum beneath the monastery.